วันพุธที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2556

Panasonic DMW-LVF1 External Live Viewfinder for Panasonic GF1 Micro Four Thirds Interchangeable Lens Camera

Panasonic DMW-LVF1 External Live Viewfinder for Panasonic GF1 Micro Four Thirds Interchangeable Lens Camera Review

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Panasonic DMW-LVF1 External Live Viewfinder for Panasonic GF1 Micro Four Thirds Interchangeable Lens Camera Feature

  • External optical glass viewfinder alternative to the LCD
  • Mounts into the hot shoe on top of the Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 digital camera
  • Conserves battery power by allowing the LCD to be turned off while providing a viewing and compositional aid

The Photo Basics 5-in-1 Collapsible Reflector Kit is versatile in the field and in the studio, providing shadow-lightening detail in your subject, using available, or studio lighting. It contains a translucent white disc, which is perfect for softening direct sunlight, or lights without diffusion. Use the removable, reversible zippered slipcover to reflect light into shadow areas of your subject. The cover consists of the following colors: silver, gold, white and black. This 42" reflector is perfect for 3/4 length portraits, and medium still-life setups. It folds down to 1/3 its open size, and comes with a carry case. We suggest the purchase of a pivoting arm and stand, to hold the disc where needed -- especially if you are working without an assistant.

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